Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bachman Watch

If you have not heard of Congresswoman Michelle Bachman (R-MN), do yourself a favor and look her up. She is insane. The DCCC (a few days ago) launched a new page called "Bachman Watch," I suggest you look at it (read it after you see the Wikipedia page on her -don't lie, I know that it is your primary source for information on a topic).

Some of the things this woman has said and done and believes in include (I got these from a variety of sources that are just a Google search away):
  • Tried to ban Disney's Aladdin from elementary schools because it promotes witchcraft and paganism
  • The (conservative, "family values") Family Research Council is the "front lines of defense for the American people"
  • Opposition to trade schools and on-the-job training for workplace skills
  • Sarah Palin "easily has more qualifications than Senator Obama and Senator Biden put together if you look at Executive Experience [emphasis added] She has been in the Executive position for two years! . . . She is one sharp lady! . . . She has made tough decisions all across the scene. And, I think women all across America are going to love what they see in Sarah Palin; I was taken with her and I know a lot of American women will be. She's very strong, very tough, a committed, loving mother. But, she knows how to be a good executive and how to take on her own party and how to make thing happen. There is no reason why people won't understand this once they understand that people in Alaska -85% of people in Alaska [emphasis added] have a positive approval rating for Sarah Palin."
  • [James Carville says to Larry King that he is astounded that this is the best pick that the Republican Party could come up with. Bachman finds it offensive to women.] "There are a lot of competent American women. Sarah Palin easily is a competent woman. She's proved herself in business; she's proved herself in politics. She has come up from nowhere to be somebody. And, she is someone we can all be very proud of. She is one competent, tough cookie. People are going to love her." [James Carville tells her that he supported a woman -Hillary Clinton- for President.] "And, with that, I think a lot of American women are going to be delighted with Sarah Palin because she exudes competence in everything she has ever done. She has a very good record and should be proud to run on that record. McCain really hit it out of the park with this pick."
  • Insertion of Creationism to public school curriculum
  • Wants to ban all gay rights. Also, LGBT people have "sexual dysfunction" or "sexual identity disorders."
  • Opposes minimum wage increases
  • Opposes online poker
  • "I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter. And I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence." (The last time was actually under Gerald Ford.)
  • Believes that Congress should be investigated for those with anti-American leanings
  • Said that once argued that she couldn't support the economic recovery act because America was 'running out of rich people'

If you all think a commentary is needed, I'll do one, but I think much of this speaks for itself.

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