Monday, February 22, 2010

Events for the week

Hey guys,

  We have some exciting events planned for this week that I wanted to let you all know about. Tomorrow Sustainable South Bronx is coming to talk about 

Green Jobs and Environmental Justice in the Bronx tomorrow Tognino Hall in Duane library from 7pm-8:30pm here's the link to the facebook event for more information:


 Instead of having our regular meeting this week. We will instead meet at 9:30pm in Dealy 115 for debate prep, we will need your help to throw some ideas around so we can beat the College Republicans. And then of course on Thursday:


We will have our debate with College Republicans this coming Thursday: 


Thursday, February 25, 2010


8:00pm - 9:30pm


Keating 3rd Floor Auditorium


The topics will cover: -The Tax Structure 

-Cap and Trade

-The Supreme Court's recent decision on Campaign Financing

-An Evaluation of Obama's First Year as President


We will need as many progressive voices there to ask good questions to back us up. For more information on that you can also see the link to that facebook event as well: . Please feel free to email us back here if you have any questions and I encourage as many of you as possible to come to the event about green jobs tomorrow night and especially the debate, we need your support! The minutes from our last meeting are below, thanks so much for all your help and support. See you soon!


Best wishes,

Andy Laub 


College Democrats of Fordham University

College Democrats Second Meeting Minutes—February 17, 2010


1) Video

Former Vice President Dick Cheney talking ABC's this week talking about the potential repeal of don't ask don't tell. He generally spoke out in favor of changing the policy and predicts it will change. Sean said he did not think that Cheney was being sincere given his past views on the issue and he's just trying to broaden the conservative base. DJ referenced a recent poll taken showing more support for the repeal of don't ask don't tell.


2) Debates

Kevin talked about the debate next Thursday in Keating 3rd, topics include campaign finance reform, cap and trade, flat tax/progressive tax, one year after Obama. Sean is covering campaign finance reform. Defending Obama and the jobs he has saved and created with the stimulus and bailout. We still need someone for the flat/progressive tax that will most likely be Sean Maquire. We will also need someone to cover campaign finance reform that will likely be Mark G.



3) Women's empowerment

Caroline Egen did a presentation about the women's empowerment speech by Jessica Valenteni tomorrow about feminism. She talked about the need for change in Fordham's sexual assault program and what women's empowerment is trying to do to change their policy. No campaigns or good preventative stuff about it.



4) Sustainable South Bronx

Next Tuesday coming to talk about green jobs and environmental justice, handing out of flyers around campus.



5) Discussion- More of a discussion about the uneven fundraising voices as a result of the current campaign finance laws. Matt will argue in favor of cap and trade will admit to some loss in jobs but that doing nothing is worse as a result for the long term environment and there is room for green jobs.


Date Recorded—Wednesday February 17th 2010. The next meeting of the Fordham College Democrats will be on Wednesday February 24, 2010 at 9:30pm. There will be an event the night before that on Tuesday February 23, 2010 with Sustainable South Bronx.


Very truly yours,

Andy Laub

Board Secretary 

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