Monday, March 2, 2009

CPAC 2009 Discussion

For some reason, I decided to watch Ann Coulter's CPAC speech. I just do not understand why the rallying cry of the conservatives is to attack liberals. Meanwhile, liberals' rallying cry is the issues that they believe in. Can't the conservatives do the same or are they just so self-conscious that they need to look better than the liberals when they do many more criminal activities (Newt, Delay, Larry Craig, need I say more?)?

Some of the things said by Coulter were:
  • Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman are lap dogs to Obama (and what was Fox News to Bush?)
  • Jesus had more executive experience than Obama (what about Palin ruling over the Crystal Meth capitol of Alaska?)
  • Obama is Muslim (still with that?)
  • Democrats finally won an election in 2008 (what about 2006?)
  • Germans liked Obama and they have a good track record on choosing leaders (wow, that is really racist)
  • Obama has been compared to Lincoln and Reagan since there are no good democrats for him to be compared to (his policies have also been compared to FDR)
  • Carter is an example of how not to be President (what about Grant or Coolidge?)
  • Over history, Democrats' reputation goes down while Republicans' go up (trying to think of a rebound to that one, I have realized that history, depending on who does the storytelling, can be equal-opportunity in negative/positive views of people)

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