Sunday, August 16, 2009

There's Just No Reasoning With Some People

Hello all,

With all the media attention they're getting (thanks, Lou Dobbs), the "birthers" do not seem to be going away - to the chagrin of reasonable Americans. I feel that the fact that a movement so nonsensical could gain a following in our country is quite depressing. The desire to oust a Democratic President driven on changing America for the better is driving some to make some outrageous claims. The worst part of this whole debacle is that there are Republicans in Congress who have recently stated they're "not sure" if the President was born in Hawaii. Perhaps it is party politics, but more likely it is to appease the crazies they represent. There should always be strife and disagreement in politics, but such strife and disagreement must always be strongly based in reality.

We can only hope that the media will stop their incessant (though sometimes entertaining) coverage of these nitwits. To paraphrase Mr. Bill Maher, the "birther" controversy is "not a conflict between Democrats and Republicans. It is one between sentient beings and lizard people."

Democratically yours,

P.S. - Listen to their European dentist/lawyer/real-estate agent for a good laugh.

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